H. Upmann

Welcome to the world of H. Upmann cigars, where Cuban tradition meets unparalleled quality. In our cigar webshop, we are proud to offer you the finest selection of H. Upmann cigars, each crafted with passion and expertise that spans generations.

About H. Upmann cigars:

Founded in 1844, H. Upmann is one of Cuba’s most respected cigar brands and is known for its relentless pursuit of excellence. These cigars have delighted the palates of aficionados for almost two centuries and have earned a reputation for their impeccable craftsmanship and smooth, complex flavors.

Why choose H. Upmann cigars?

  1. Rich tradition: H. Upmann cigars are steeped in history, with a heritage dating back to the 19th century. Enjoy the same flavors that have delighted cigar lovers for generations.
  2. Craftsmanship: Each H. Upmann cigar is meticulously crafted by experienced artisans using only the finest Cuban tobacco leaves. Expect a perfect blend of taste, aroma and balance.
  3. Unique aromas: Enjoy the nuanced aromas of H. Upmann, characterized by a harmonious blend of earthy, woody and nutty notes, complemented by a pleasant sweetness.
  4. Timeless elegance: H. Upmann cigars are a symbol of style and sophistication. Experience the feeling of luxury with every train.

Buy H. Upmann cigars in our cigar webshop:

Experience the tradition and excellence of H. Upmann cigars by browsing through our carefully curated collection. We offer competitive prices and secure shipping to ensure your cigars arrive in pristine condition.

Whether you are a seasoned connoisseur or new to the world of cigars, H. Upmann is a brand that never fails to fascinate and impress. Take your smoking experience to a new level with the timeless appeal of H. Upmann cigars. Order now and enjoy the taste of Cuban craftsmanship at its best.

Immerse yourself in the H. Upmann heritage today and discover why these cigars are revered around the world. Order now and savor the taste of Cuban craftsmanship at its best.