
Montecristo is one of the most famous and respected cigar brands from Cuba. For more than 80 years, the brand has stood for the highest quality and craftsmanship. Each Montecristo cigar is carefully handmade and offers a unique smoking experience.

The history of Montecristo began in 1935 in Cuba, when the brand was founded by Alonso Menendez. The cigars quickly became a favorite of smokers and won numerous awards. Today, Montecristo cigars are made by craftsmen at Tabacalera de Garcia in the Dominican Republic.

Montecristo cigars are made from the finest Cuban tobaccos, carefully selected and aged for a full-bodied aroma and rich flavor. The trademark of Montecristo cigars is the unmistakable red band with the characteristic triangle and the name Montecristo in gold letters.

Montecristo cigars are available in different sizes and strengths to satisfy the tastes of every smoker. From the small Montecristo No. 5 to the imposing Montecristo No. 2, there are a variety of options to find the perfect smoking experience.

At our webshop you will find a wide selection of Montecristo cigars at attractive prices. We guarantee the authenticity of our products and offer fast and reliable shipping. Order today and enjoy the unique smoking experience of a Montecristo cigar!